December 11, 2023

How to keep learning guitar

Hey Guitar Freaks :),

If you’ve made a start with your playing and want to know how to keep learning guitar then Stage 2 of the brand new Jamorama Beginner Guitar Course will help you on your way. Here’s the low down on what to expect.

Beginner Guitar – Stage 2 is a step up in intensity, but a flow on from Stage 1. If you’ve gone through Stage #1, then this will be so fun and easy to do.

Beginner Guitar - Stage 2

THE number 1 place to keep learning guitar…

By now you’ll be familiar with the style of the lessons and what’s involved to get the most out of each week’s lessons. And you’ll know how to use the follow up material and backing tracks too.

The most important thing however, is that you’ll have a new confidence and energy for learning using this system.

Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect to cover in Beginner Guitar – Stage 2 of the Jamorama Beginner Guitar Course.

Week #6

This week is all about picking chord progressions. It’s one thing to strum along with a cool backing track, but another dimension is added when you learn and program a picking pattern. People will be blown away at how good you sound this week.

Week #7

It’s time for your first taste of the Blues. If you’ve never had the blues before, you’re going to get real heavy dose of the blues with this classic blues lead intro and chord progression. Play it fast and you start smiling, or play it laid back and cool for a ‘deep down ‘n’ dirty’ sound that sends you into a trance like state.

Week #8

You’re likely to be hooked on the blues from last week, so this week we get it into overdrive with a swing feel. The swing backing track will be resonating in your head all of this week and you’ll be whistling it all day long – hehehe. The challenge will be moving between the swing and straight strumming patterns. This is always tricky for my students to master at first, so see if you can master the change between the two styles of strumming.

Week #9

Now you’re ready for a little more ‘lead guitar’ so we have a cool riff and some new techniques to make you feel like you’re ready to take the solo section at your next jam at your friends place. You’ll need a checkered shirt and to have your ‘shootin’ iron’ handy as we’re getting a lil’ bit country this week.

Week #10

The F word. Yup, it’s time for the F Barre chord. If you’ve ever tried this before, you’ll know now why it’s taken until now to finally have a go at it. I’m real proud of the way this is taught in this lesson. I guarantee you’ll nail this chord shape, but it’s going to take some patience and understanding…so promise me you’ll go easy on yourself here. Luckily there is an awesome track to make things way more fun, so no excuses guys.

So now you’ll be considered a solid guitarist. I’d be very happy to jam along with you and feel confident that I could throw a new song, chord chart or TAB in front of you and you’d be able to get through it with me with relative ease.

Ahhhhhh, how good does that feel:)

Strum it guys!

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