December 12, 2023

Sound like Clapton- updated

What I really wanted to focus upon today was the great offering of idiosyncratic guitars over at DiPinto`s Vintage Inventory, and boy have they got some sure-fire stuff for your guitar playing delectation, as well as some fantastic amplification and keyboards from the days of yore.

What`s especially great amongst this set of old gems  is the (SG shaped) 1961 Gibson Les Paul seen here. If you want to sound like Eric snap this baby up pronto!

Yes, that`s right, in 1960, Gibson experienced a decline in electric guitar sales due to their high prices and strong competition from Fender’s comparable but much lighter double-cutaway design: the stratocaster.


In response, Gibson changed the Les Paul line. The 1961 issue Les Paul guitar was thinner and much lighter than the earlier models, with two sharply pointed cut-aways, a vibrato system and looking like what was to become an SG rather than the traditional 57 Gold Top single cutaway design.  Because of the redesign Les Paul left Gibson and it wasn`t until 1963 that the guitar’s name was finally changed to SG standing for Solid Guitar.

On an even more interesting note my friend Lee over at Rare Star Guitars has some interesting information regarding Clapton`s choice of Les Paul for that classic “woman-tone”, Cream-era, psychedelic sound – that`s right  – E.C. likes his Paul’s fresh from the `62 vintage. Here`s Eric talking “woman tone” plus an interview featuring the unmistakably wry loitering of drummer Ginger Baker, a lucid, talkative and  obviously highly amused Clapton and some rather finely dressed German journalists.

Beatles, Hendrix, Floyd, Zappa, Buddy, Otis, B.B. !!

Good on ya Eric!
Here’s a taste of Eric’s more luminescent and florid period playing with Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker in Cream – some very, very bluesy licks soaked in lysergic acid and heavy rock afro-polyrhythmic jazz goodness!


Cream pioneered  the American blues – British psychedelia crossover but with a pendulum like swing from the highs to the lows of the great Anglo-American acid wave and you can almost see the high tide mark and feel the dichotomy in the music. Both Disraeli Gears and Wheels of Fire are records that distill this fervent mixture of poetry, lyricism, one-upmanship, blues power guitar licks, psychedelia and weirdness. Of course just after Disraeli Gears, The Beatles’  Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band was released….so…….Wheels of Fire…

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