December 11, 2023

Announcing Fingerstyle Guitar with Mark McKenzie

Fingerstyle Guitar course launched!

As promised, the first chapter of Mark McKenzie’s Fingerstyle Guitar course has been launched in the courses section of the site.

We’ll be continuing to add more chapters to this course in the coming days. But, while we finish the final edits, we thought we’d open the first chapter up to the public to allow everyone a chance to try the new lessons and get starting with this exciting area of guitar.

Click here to visit the Fingerstyle Guitar course and start learning now.

Is fingerstyle guitar for you?

If you’ve never tried learning it, you might be thinking, “what is fingerstyle”?

Well, put simply, fingerstyle guitar is where we play individual strings with our fingers instead of using a guitar pick.

And there’s a fantastic advantage for doing this: it enables us to play our melodies and bass lines simultaneously. And this helps us to create a much richer sound than playing only single notes with a guitar pick.

So back to my original question. Is fingerstyle guitar for you?

The answer. Yes, fingerstyle is an essential part of being a guitar player. It’s guitar playing at its most natural. Just the guitarist and the guitar. It brings us closer to the action, and we get to really feel the strings on our fingertips.

It adds a whole new dynamic to your guitar playing and enables you to play richer, and more complex pieces of music.

Fingerstyle Guitar course intro video.

Happy guitar learning!

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