December 12, 2023

Beer Amp

My liver suffered to bring you this awesome amp, don’t worry… the beer went to a good cause!

The sleek design and sound quality will blow you away! Works great for Guitar, Bass, and MP3 players. Plugs into a standard wall outlet. The amp has a power switch and volume control.

Makes a great gift for any occasion! Amazing for the beer guzzling, guitar thrashing person in your life. You can bet they have never seen an amp like this before!

Unfortunately this particular piece of genius has, unsurprisingly sold out!

Next up is an Altoids tin guitar amp, highly portable and great if you love the sound of fresh breath. YOU can actually build one yourself using instructions here and I suppose that if you want something with a bit more grunt you could up-scale to a biscuit tin if you haven’t finished your beer yet.


Jake Edwards

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