Blog Posts

Confessions of an 80’s Guitar Shredder

I learned guitar in the 80’s. This was a time when guitar solos were fast, squealy and played by real men… dudes dressed as women that worshipped the devil and wore makeup (to quote the great comedian Bill Burr). I was obsessed with the Steve Vai guitar duel in the classic movie Crossroads where actor […]

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Which guitar players should I listen to?

“Which guitar players should I listen to?” “Who should I emulate?” I get these questions from students all the time. Who floats your boat? Who tickles your fancy? Who do you wish you could play like? The truth is, you are already drawn to the guitar players that you need to listen to or study. […]

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Terry Robb

Terry Robb is a blues guitarist occupying a unique position in the guitar pantheon as an exponent of American Primitivism a style pioneered by John Fahey and derived from the country blues and string band music of the 20’s and 30’s. If you own a gramophone and are familiar at all with the old dance […]

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How Much Should I Practice Guitar?

I often get asked, “How much should I practice guitar” and “How much practice will I need to do to get good at guitar?” Everyone has their own answer for this. I find the answers most people give to be quite overwhelming. People think 2 hours every day! Or 8 hours in the weekend! And […]

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Guitar Players

riani What kind of guitar player would you like to be? A shredder? A melodic guitarist? A rhythmic, percussive jazz fusion master? A groovy funkmeister? A country hot shot? I`ve been to plenty of great gigs since back in the day and I`ve seen some hot guitar players – Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, Alvin Lee, […]

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