December 11, 2023

Totem Guitars

Yesterdays Teye guitar post proved to me that indulgent, exorbitant and outrageously decorous rococco influenced design could look stunning even on a guitar. Personally I feel guitars look overdressed with too much design sauce poured across them so its testament to Teye that their take on 18th Century Gypsy Maverick meets Mayan Voodoo guitar god looks so damn good.

Today though I`m going to take a look at design that`s got just as much art in it but feels more like a pair of family boots – handmade, well worn, exquisitely crafted from quality materials, but earthy, individual and unique in every way. Here they are Spalt Totem Guitars – I `ll take three of each please cause I just can`t dance. Yeah!


Jake Edwards

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