December 13, 2023

We’re ok…just a little shaken!

The Rock Star Team had an early wake up call on the morning of Saturday 4 September. A recorded 7.1 earthquake hit a small rural town south of Christchurch and the affects were felt right across the city. Thankfully, no-one was seriously injured, but there has been widespread devastation with a number of Historical buildings being damaged beyond repair.

Also, not able to escape damage was the Rock Star HQ. The building has been inspected and “red flagged” meaning no-one is to enter until further notice. For many other businesses this would present quite a logistical nightmare. However, the joys of being online based (and primarily using a lot of Cloud Computing technology) means that we can continue working almost as usual.

The Team met on Monday at Moses’ house for some afternoon delights to discuss the situation and talk through how things were going to work. With the office out of bounds we are each working from home and keeping in touch via Skype.

Thankfully, we are quite prepared for this kind scenario. Earlier in the year, Cam our IT man, who is working remotely from Wellington in the North Island, put in place systems to allow us to remotely access all our work from any location, should the need arise.

This should mean there is very little change to our services so if you have any trouble getting your course downloaded, let us know and Luis in support will be only too happy to help get back up and running.

On a lighter note, perhaps the biggest loss to the Rock Star Team is the foosball table. I’m not sure what this will do for productivity but we will just have to suck it up 🙂 Alternative arrangements have yet to be made, but an online version is not likely to cut it!

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