Blog Posts

Digitech Whammy

What’s ten years old, a furious red colour and squeels when you stamp on it? NO, it’s not that; it’s the digitech whammy pedal. It’s been a decade since the Whammy pedal  was introduced and now it has a permanent place in the history of rock and roll. The Whammy not only adds to your playing, […]

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Choosing a pick

The word “plectrum” is the Latinized form of the Greek πλῆκτρον (pléktron), “anything to strike with, an instrument for striking the lyre, a spear point”[1] and that from the verb πλήττω (pletto), the Attic Greek form of πλήσσω (plesso), “to hit, to strike, to smite, to sting”[2]. “Plectrum” has both a Latin-based plural, plectra (from […]

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Choosing a guitar

Here’s Ben talking you through the guitar selection process. Quite simply WONDERFUL! You can also find some more zen-like guitar selection ideas on this post choosing acoustic guitars. Cheers, Jake Edwards

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Modern plectrums – whats happening to them these days? Unwieldy abstract trapezoidal blobs of plastic…or miniature magneto-synthesizers? …or rather one of the stranger guitar playing innovations of the last 30 years, the ENERGY BOW or Ebow for short. The Ebow works by focusing a sympathetic oscillating magnetic field on a single string and causing it to vibrate. What makes […]

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Guitar Nuts

Nothing to do with squirrels; this post is intended to help you make the correct choice when replacing your guitar’s nut. If you like to play play a tremelo arm or whammy bar  as part of your style but find that your strings just keep breaking then this post will hopefully get you through! Even […]

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