Blog Posts

Hendrix Mosrite Strawberry Alarm Clock Centrefold

Back in the late 60`s things were so psychedelic even the guitars freaked out on Dr. Ugs. Here`s Bakersfield California based company Mosrite proving that they too have been drinking the Electric Cool Aid. These guitars were made for the psychedelic Los Angeles band Strawberry Alarm Clock. The DeVillain Centrefold is a folding electric guitar […]

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RIP Les Paul

R.I.P Les Paul without whom most of us wouldn`t have a raison d’etre. Paul pioneered the development of the electric guitar (at around the same time as Leo Fender) and also pushed the envelope in the early development of multi-track recording. It’s testament to Paul`s design that the guitar still remains one of the most […]

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John Fahey, Guitar Frank and American Primitivism

If you ever find yourself in a learning plateau when it comes to guitar you just have to plug into your imagination or maybe buy some John Fahey records… If there was ever a man to put the words heavy and eclectic into the acoustic blues guitar cannon here he is –  it’s John Fahey, […]

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Obviously, in the world of guitar legend one man stands alone, head and shoulders above his peers; distorting time and space whilst achieving transcendental oneness with his guitar in a zen like reverie of Amerindian shamanism, Free love, sex, politics, feedback, fire and death. If there was ever a sacrifice made to the guitar gods, […]

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Moog guitars, magnetics and other mad craziness

Kind of Fresh!Hello Jamorama people – today we`re going to look at some rather exceptional developments in the world of string theory. If you`re a proponent of holographic consciousness, quantum gravity or the cosmological horizon you are on the wrong page unless of course your name is Jimi Hendrix and you are reading from the […]

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