Blog Posts

55 Year Old “Late Starter” Achieves His Guitar Playing Goals With Jamorama

About Martin Chiani Martin started learning guitar in 2007 and has been a member of Jamorama for 10 years. His current goal is to pick up one of his guitars everyday. Martin is an active member on the Jamorama site. In 2007, at the age of 55, Martin Chiani decided he would try to learn guitar. With the […]

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Jamorama Guitar System – Skills Demonstration

In this video, Mark McKenzie demonstrates a range of skills taught in the Jamorama Guitar System. Song List

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PRS Studio Electric

n early 2011, another new PRS model burst onto the scene featuring a new finish that PRS had been working on combining ultra thin and super hard attributes to get the most out of the carved maple top. Sonic options abound with the PRS Studio’s triple pickup setup and switching options. It features their brand […]

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What Is Pick Sliding?

Pick Sliding is a guitar technique most often used in the rock, punk or metal music genres. The technique is executed by holding the edge of the pick against any of the three or four wound strings and moving it along the string. Simple isn’t it? It is so simple that many guitarists use to […]

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Bang for buck –

If you’re anything like I was when selecting my first guitar, I didn’t have a clue what I should have been looking or listening for. Asked the question, “What do you think?” my answer was a vague, “Yeah, it’s better than the one I have”. But I had no idea why. If you’re in the […]

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