Blog Posts

Cocktails and Rock tales

In her new book Author Jane Rocca matches 200 alcoholic concoctions with their perfect rock soundtracks. Here are a few of them that I personally recommend. Classic Rock: Let it Bleed by The Rolling Stones – Jammin` – campari, gin and pomegranate juice fireball Pub Rock: Highway to Hell by ACDC – Between the sheets […]

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English Space Rock

Back in the late seventies, prior to the arrival of PUNK ROCK, with its garland of spit, safety pins, anarchy, rebellion and anti-authoritarian posturing, Steve Hillage took the psychedelia of the late 60`s and infused it with the kind of prodcution techniques it really deserved. Towards the end of the 70’s Hillage’s progressive guitar-rock and […]

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Ben Edwards psychobilly part III

BOSS CHRIST. So I had never seen ‘the Boss’ before and had only heard crazy and great things about him so I was anxious with anticipation. I could feel my chest tightening as the music between each act played on and it was at this time I noticed what seemed to be a crazed, long […]

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How to select Guitar effects

Guitar effects. What a selection these days. You don`t need a burning stratocaster or the Jimi Hendrix account at New York`s Legendary Manny`s guitar store to find yourself spoilt for choice with a bewildering array and vast multiplicity of choices. What I`m saying is that there are thousands of them. Back in the early 90`s […]

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Ben Edwards Psychobilly Part II

So here we go! It’s Tuesday morning here in the Rock Star office and I am STILL struggling for breath and wobbly on my feet after a crazy show I attended on the weekend that got me really thinking about the precious-ness that has come to surround me and many of my musician buddies regarding […]

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